Friday, July 16, 2010

Women Are From Venus, Men Are From a Coalmine

Me (staring at a disgustingly filthy dishcloth on the counter): What the hell?
He: That? I've been wiping my hands on it all day.
Me: There's this wonderful new product on the market. It's called soap.


  1. Reminds me of the other day when hub used my dish rag to wipe up spilled paint Grrr men :-)

  2. Reminds me a problem my niece had with a roommate who wiped the floor with a hand-embroidered tea towel from my sister. My niece was livid and the roommate had no clue why...

  3. Just love that picture, reminds me of the old days!!

  4. Oh, ya. Sounds about normal. At least my son has never done anything like that, because he learned the lesson really early. His dad (still my husband - why??? lol) used Son's favorite character bath towel to clean up when the bottom of the water heater rusted out. Son was livid.

  5. Soap is fatal to dirty boy hands, don't you know! Water on dirty boy hands is barely tolerable, made more tolerable by using the best towel in the house. Proven scientific fact.

  6. Betcha it was a white towel too.

    Hubbs likes to work on the cars or pour tar, paint ceiling, etc. with new clothes on, thereby increasing his work clothing by leaps and bounds.

  7. My dad, bless him, would take the dishcloth, wipe the sink, the counter, the front of the cabinet, the dog's nose and spot on the floor. and then carefully hang the dishcloth over the spigot.
