Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Love My Job

Yesterday the FBI showed us how to build a bomb*. Today the state bomb squad showed us how to detonate it.

(*They also showed us how to manufacture ricin. Nice guys).


  1. Build it then destroy it. Sounds like a guy came up with this plan. But good to know you now have the skills to defuse the problem. Talk about an odd skill set. Here I thought I was odd because I can make fake blood....

  2. Man. Usually I like my job, but today, being a secretary is suddenly not so interesting.

  3. So nice of them to tell you how to save yourself, but kill others. I do realize that there may come a day that you will need to know this. Scary.

    Random, but I haven't been able to get very good coverage of the fires in Detroit. From what I have been able to get, it sounds like one or more of the conflagrations were in or near my old stomping grounds. So awful; at least so far I haven't heard of any rioting or looting.

  4. Packy, my sister in Canton and my brother in Royal Oak haven't even mentioned the Detroit fires; I assume they're not on the radar.
