Saturday, October 2, 2010

Danger, Will Robinson!

I did a foolish thing this morning; I placed the Drama Queen’s cat carrier on the floor of the waiting room at Dr. Tinyvet’s office while I was paying the bill.

A Boston bull terrier did an even more foolish thing, he went and stuck his nose against the grate.


  1. least you were already at the vets...

  2. Was the beast coming in or leaving?
    Glad to know Drama Queen can handle the tiny pests along with the German Shepherds.(giggle)

  3. I can just see my little Boston BT doing that. She thinks most everything is her friend - especially cats.

  4. PS: Is Kitty ok? Hopefully, this was a routine visit. How is the Boston BT?

  5. Her Majesty is fine. That cat has never been sick a day in her life. She was just due for her shots, is all.

    The Boston bull lost about a year of his life span when the adrenalin kicked in but was otherwise unharmed.
