Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One Of Our Clydesdales Is Missing

Well, the weekend started with my oldest sister biffing me across the back of the head with the trunk lid of her car, and ended with my youngest sister accusing me of being complicit in the cyber-attack on the Iranian nuclear program. I have no idea what she thinks I do for a living, but evidently working for the Health Department is just a cover for my “real” job.


  1. You're an undercover agent apparently LOL

  2. She's off her meds. That's the only possible explanation.

  3. Yikes! And here I thought you were just an innocent blogger.

  4. I'm sorry, but your sister thinking you do that?
    And the other one bopping you on the head?
    As Shay says, they are off their meds, best keep as far away from them as possible.

  5. Duh!Everybody knows the "Health Dept" is just a cover for overseas operations...how else do we explain the ASIAN flu??? I do hope you bopped your older sister back...

  6. Clearly your sister thinks you are capable of great things! Can you share how you did it, or must we wait for a more stable political situation?

  7. Karen, I didn't even do that sort of thing when I was still on active duty. I honestly have no idea where she comes up with this stuff.

  8. What are you really not telling us? LOL
