Monday, January 31, 2011

Signs and Omens

If no one hears from me before Friday, it's because we're either without power or without Internet connectivity (or probably both).


  1. We live in Indianapolis and yep they say it is gonna be pretty bad...hoping the power stay on here too....filled up all the oil lamps just in case....Be safe and keep warm...
    Have a Blessed day

  2. you see the little corner of pink in North Dakota? that's where I live. It's been snowing and blowing since yesterday morning. have fun all you people out there

  3. Mid-Missouri here, same story - 18-20 inches, blizzard warnings. At least I don't live in the 1" of ice range.

  4. we didn't get much snow here, but the temps are
    Cloudy with isolated flurries. Colder. Highs 5 below to 10 below zero. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Wind chill readings 35 below to 45 below zero.
    my son works outdoors, but, fortunately, they're
    taking the day off.
    i think the wet snow y'all get is worse,
    though. brrr. your wet snow is worse than dry powder.
    a sharon - in wyo.

  5. I'm in Wells Maine, not quite Eastport, but it still gave me a thrill to see it on your map. We're getting ready here too. Take care everybody.

  6. Here in CT, we will get 3" to 16" to on top of the 3' of old snow we still have. Then tomorrow we get sleet, frezzing rain and ice.
    And still there are folks who do not believe in global warming....
    Stay safe!
