Monday, March 7, 2011

Dies Irae

I've decided that the songs I want played at my memorial service must include The Battle Hymn of the Republic, The Green Hills, and Men of Harlech. This means the spousal unit is going to have to find a Welsh male choir in the middle of Illinois, but that’s his problem.

(And the Marines’ Hymn. THAT goes without saying).


  1. I certainly hope you aren't trying to tell us something. May this be played sixty or seventy or eighty years from now. ;)

  2. Maybe I'm just a tad depressed. I've been sick or injured every day since the first week of February.

  3. Come on, Shay. You've lived through a battlefield and come out the other side. You can do this. Not much longer before we get more light and warmer days. Here in Detroit there are even some signs (very few) that spring might come some day. The weeds are doing just fine; fat and green. Besides, he might go first and then the program is your problem! You both should put it off as long as possible.

  4. How about bagpipes? I had a piper at my husband's funeral. Attendees said "I didn't know he liked bagpipes so much." Well, he liked them fine, but I LOVE them, so the piper was mostly for me. Naturally, the piper played Amazing Grace among others tunes
    How *this* is a funeral:
    "Zulu" was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid.

  5. Hey, YOUR funeral, your choice. His funeral, YOUR choice. I like the Welsh choir, handsome gents. But spring is coming, so shake off the blues and start singing the Greens. Here in CT, the 2' of snow has finally melted off my garden and the daffodils are 2" high now.
    February is over, it is March now. So like a Great Marine, MARCH into spring!

  6. It's hard to beat Men of Hearlech, for sure!

  7. Hello Sam:
    To clarify, a piper seemed like a sensible and nice thing to do at the time. My husband literally dropped dead at my feet. He wanted no funeral at all so he had no plans. (We both believed in no funeral service. I still do.) But all his friends were mighty upset and surprised at his sudden death and asked for a service. The service was really for his friends and that's why I wanted a piper and it was a nice send off for all involved. The piper had many in tears. Some people said they never realized how nice bagpipes could be. I recommend a piper for any meaningful event.
