Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rank and File

Fourteen students have applied for a summer position in my department. Two of them are named Nimtz and Eisenhauer.

I told the boss I wanted to hire them both -- didn't even have to look at their resumes.


  1. I LOVE your resaoning! With names like that, how could they be bad?

  2. Careful, tho, these people might be completely the opposite of their namesakes. lol

  3. PS: How are you feeling? Is the pain/itching fading at all?

  4. I'm still a little scratchy and there's an icky-looking blotchy spot on the side of my face. As soon as this clears up I'm getting the shot!

  5. It took me several days to get over laughing at this post so I could respond. Your sense of humor is made of greatness.

    Also, I loathe and abhor shingles, having suffered through them myself. Every time I get a sharp pain in the "shingles neighborhood", I worry that they are coming back. I will have to look into that shingles vaccine.

  6. Actually, Eisenhauer is in the top three. We'll be making the final decision on Monday.
