Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Sybarite

The spousal unit is on his way to Missouri and it is 65 degrees out. I am turning the furnace back on, dammit.


  1. Mine ran all night, and I fired up the gas fireplace last night, too! The cats were freezing, they said. At least today we finally have sun here, in Detroit. Don't know how long it will last. Stay warm!

  2. Mine is in VA-I am in NC-the temp here is 85+ and I can't turn the air on as a racoon (and friends?) made a home inbetween our floor and ceiling downstairs(our house is up on pilings) and the ammonia and moth ball smells are coming in with the ac-the racoon, has not, to my knowledge, moved out!

  3. I would send you the spousal unit, Sharon, but he's headed in the other direction.

  4. Appreciate the thought, Shay! Hubby should be home tomorrow or Tues-he's not looking forward to checking on damage--evidently our racoon resident doesn't mind the smell or 24/7 NPR radio (I like Garrison K. & Prarie Home Companion so at least in that regard the racoon has good taste!!) Lol. That said, no ac is good reason not to over-exert with housework and I think the salt air is helping with allergies! Blessings, Sharon

  5. Good for you. Cold is right! The furnace at home has been on, and I plugged the oil heater in at daughter's. Still cold! We didn't get the snow down at our elevation (although we could see it from the house), but 38 degrees with 20 mph winds wasn't exactly warm.
