Friday, May 13, 2011

That'll Learn Him

Someone said we were in a rut so he dragged me out to visit one of his sisters last night. She spent the entire evening trying to give us a kitten.


  1. Which color kitten did you choose?

  2. Had to laugh at the first comment-I was going to ask what you named it! Please do show us a photo! I went to a scrapbooking class-came home with a "free" kitten...who we later learned that, when he got "stressed" he developed bladder issues...not cheap by any means! Happy to say---we found the right vet and it's now, many $ later, well under control! Love him anyway!

  3. We managed to depart cat-less.

    If for no other reason than a six week old kitten would last about as long at our house as a pint of whiskey at a five hand poker game.

  4. No kitten to play with Funny Face? Really?
