Thursday, June 23, 2011

He Asked For It

Thing Three (let's call him Smitty because that's his name) popped up in front of my desk this morning imploring me to give him some more work. I assigned him to the Breast-Feeding Fair.


  1. Quick thinking! He won't make that mistake again!

  2. There's a Monty Python sketch that deals with what I imagine to be the result of this assignment.

    The verification word is "bical," which I am choosing to think of as "two sources of calcium (from milk)".

  3. LOL - You are so EVIL. Still laughing.

  4. Until the post i had never heard of Americorps. I will see if it is in my area (Muskingum County, Ohio) or near. I would like to participate. Thank you!

  5. It is the most amazing program. We have gotten AWESOME Americorps members and they do fantastic work here in the community.

    There's at least three projects I would have to drop entirely if I didn't have their help.

    And the ideas and enthusiasm are infectious.

    Move fast because the recruitment period for this year's batch ends on 1 July!

  6. You evil, evil funny woman!

  7. You evil, evil funny woman!

  8. let us know how it goes, I used to do this to my kids, "I'm bored" go dig dandelions, clean the chicken house.. calf pens.. weed the garden.
    works everytime.
