Sunday, June 12, 2011

Somebody Else Try This First

Roast Suckling Pig. Have dealer select 10-pound suckling pig between 5 and 6 weeks old, and have him clean it thoroughly. Rinside inside with running water and wipe outside with cloth. Fill with 8 cups poultry or fruit stuffing and sew opening of cavity securely. Tie legs together and place pig in kneeling position in large uncovered roaster. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and pour 1 cup boiling water in roaster. Cover pig with parchment or wrapping paper. Roast in moderate oven (350⁰ f) about 3 ½ hours, basting frequently with hot water and drippings to prevent cracking of skin. Remove paper 30 minutes before pig is done. Serve on hot platter, and place apple in mouth and cranberries in eye sockets. Yield: 10 to 12 servings.”

The Super Market Cook Book, Edith Barber, 1955.


  1. I am Cuban we roast pig ALOT! In fact I thought pork and chicken was the only 2 meats in world. But the redneck side of my family keeps me humble with hamburger helper and grits.

    Roasting pig is easy all you need is a pool, a case of beer, and 10 to 12 men who each have their own special recipe passed down from their papi....

    ooh yeah a first aid kit, and Camera!

  2. Don't most male cooking attempts involve beer and a first aid kit? I thought that went without saying!

  3. I'm good with the description, thank you.

  4. Um, is that supposed to be baste in the drippings? I hope so, or that recipe just got a whole lot grosser. lol

  5. Dang, Kristen. I need a proof-reader.


    Check this roast out.

  7. Now I need to know what the word was before it was "drippings."

  8. replace the I with an O, GDad.

  9. Sounds wonderful, but would prefer to have the head removed.

  10. Our local smokehaus does a very nice suckling pig for parties, etc. The folks there said it would serve about 40 people. When I came home (sans piglet, mind you)I informed The Hubs in passing about this (it's just the two of us).

    His reply? "WE could eat that much." This event did not occur, needless to say.

  11. Yah, I'm not sure I could take the cranberry eyes.
