Thursday, September 29, 2011

Made For Each Other

It occurred to me this evening (while enjoying a pizza with the spousal unit at a local eatery) that normal couples probably don't sit around discussing sniper rifles over dinner.


  1. yeah they least, we do. Maybe not sniper rifles, but great big burly guns, anyway....only "he" knows the names for them...

  2. Me and the Sweetie do, too. I am glad to not be 'normal.'

  3. Except, we often reference various aircraft, as he is ex-AF.

  4. My husband and I don't, but the family has been known to discuss all kinds of guns, missiles, tanks, jets, etc.

    A couple of days ago, my daughter and I had a twenty minute discussion about pit vipers.

  5. No but my mom and step-dad discussed varoius theatrical lighting issues and plays over pizza. Again, not your normal style of conversation but it worked for them.

  6. Only this week we had an intense conversation about gearing systems and the third differential. And they say romance is dead.
