Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Road To Hell

I sent the spousal unit an email this afternoon, wishing him a Happy Anniversary. I was so proud of myself for remembering.

And of course he had to email me back pointing out that our anniversary is tomorrow.


  1. remind him that early is better then late. it just means that he was on your mind instead of being an after thought.
    have a great anniversary, how many?

  2. Oops. 28. See, I can't even remember how long we've been married!

  3. Oh I soooo know this feeling! Been there-done this-gotten the same response. He always remembers our first date anniversary-me, not so much-better go check-it's sometime within the next few days! lol! And yeah, he took so long getting around to proposing (8+ years?!)-I have to stop and count how long we've been married, too!

  4. I was a month early in celebrating mine. Later my husband announced that he'd known all along I was wrong, so I asked him why he didn't correct my mistake. "I wanted the presents," he said.

    Happy anniversary!

  5. I had to laugh so hard at this! I NEVER remember when our anniversary is... I always have to ask him. I know the month but can never remember if it's the 12th or the 14th.
    And I called my Mom and sang happy birthday to her a day early this year too. I need a better calendar system...
