Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Can Live Without Ever Seeing That Again

As my carpool partner and I were walking across the employee parking lot this evening, a county K9 dog jumped from the roof of the four-story parking garage and landed across the windshield of somebody's car.

He got up and walked away from it but I'm still a little shaken up.

Update: It was five stories and he's fine. My hat's off to the car owner; that's the way I hope I'd take it.


  1. Holy cow. I would have had a heart attack. Did the windshield collapse?

  2. The windshield and the supports on either side and a chunk of the roof. I'm trying to figure what his velocity would have been at time of impact but I imagine it would be like hitting a deer on the highway.

    And of course it didn't occur to me to take a photograph.

  3. no wonder you are shaken up. i just about had heart failure reading this. that poor dog is probably really sore right now. poor car owners, too.

  4. But WHY did the dog do that? Was it a training exercise? Brave, brave soul!

  5. I used to think that ten seconds of sheer terror a week was good for the soul. These days, I'm not so sure.

    I sincerely hope you and the pup both recover quickly in your respective ways.
