Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Way To Start Your Day, 1908

(Vintage kitchenware catalog images from Dover).

Sunday. “Grapefruit, oatmeal jelly and cream, broiled chicken, corn bread, toast, tea and coffee.”

Monday. “Oranges, cereal and cream, bacon and apples, French rolls (warmed over), toast, tea and coffee.”

Tuesday. “Baked apples and cereal with cream over all, scrambled eggs and ham (partly a left-over), graham and white bread toast, tea and coffee.”

Wednesday. “Oranges, wheaten grits and cream, bacon and fried sweet peppers, quick biscuits, toast, tea and coffee.”

Thursday. “Grapes, cereal and cream, codfish balls, muffins, toast, tea and coffee.”

Friday. “Oranges, cereal and cream,eggs and bacon, sally lunn, toast, tea and coffee.”

Saturday. “Baked sweet apples and cream, fricasseed eggs, hot rolls, toast, tea and coffee.”

From Family Meals For A Week by Mrs. Marion Harland, L.A. Sunday Times, November 22nd, 1908.


  1. Random: Some of those items in the picture are still around my house.

    Sure can tell where the people who made this menu lived. Even when I was growing up, oranges were a treat. Oh, yes, we had real cream all the time, too, because we always had raw milk.

  2. I think Mrs. Harlan was a Southerner -- the grits and the fried peppers are an indication of Mason-Dixon dietary proclivities, to me.

    We buy unhomogenized (but not raw) milk locally. The cream on the top takes the spousal unit back to when he was a farm boy.

  3. After one of those breakfasts you NEED to go out and plow the south 40. I can remember my grandfather eating that way when he was actively farming.

  4. No kidding. That or work a full shift at the foundry.
