Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In A Way, I Suppose It's A Measure Of Success

I am getting just enough spam from brain-dead sociopaths to force me to turn on the "comments moderation" function. My apologies to everyone but the spammers.


  1. It makes you want to choke them doesn't it? I kept getting things written in other languages and when i translated them they were porno things.. so now all comments have to be approved by me.

  2. Welcome to success. he he
    I no longer use the word verification, but I do use the moderation. every week or so I go into the spam folder and hit delete.

  3. Sorry that has hit you, too.

    Some people really hate word verification, but I'm weird enough to have fun thinking up meanings for the nonsense groups of letters.

  4. That's ok-your blog is worth the extra effort! I can relate to "ouchy-bleedy"! Lol!

  5. I hope none of them are trying to intimidate you. It's hard to scare a woman who's handy with a gun...
