Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Want To Meet His Parents

Smitty came back from an Americorps meeting at the state capitol with a flyer about a governor’s award for which Americorps members (including Smitty) are eligible.  It’s some kind of big deal, one volunteer per region can be nominated.

He asked if we could put Xena up for the award.  He told me very seriously that it would look good when she applies for medical school.


  1. Don't you wish you could keep him? He sounds like a fine fellow.

  2. I think Smitty's parents deserve the award. And you too.

  3. I am jealous, but heartened that there are admirable students out there.
    (i teach the math for football players, so i wonder some days)
    give yours both gold stars.

  4. I wish I could clone him -- he leaves in August.
