Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Access Denied

I'm having some furwall issues.


  1. Sweetie climbs up on my brother's head to prevent him from working on the computer. She's a hoot!

  2. Oh, he looks just like my ginger boy who also loves to sit between keyboard and screen. He used to chase the cursor when he was a kitten, but now he just sits and gets a chin rub.

  3. Yep-this looks like our house-Bad Cat always gets brushed when my husband comes home-trouble is---it's on the desk where my computer is---so he, too, is often on the computer. I've become an expert at resetting settings he's changed-and cancelling transactions he's made "accidently"! Some days...he lives up to his name!

  4. He just wants some warms and loves. Is that too much to ask for?
    Oh and some catnip.
