Friday, April 6, 2012

Quote Of The Day

...anyone who has dabbled in Christianity or spent their childhood Sunday mornings learning the lessons of Jesus — that friendly bearded 2,000-year-old Israeli peace-loving hippie — knows that if there's anything Jesus thought was A-OK, it was loving people and treating them with dignity and respect ~ Erin Ryan.


  1. can i drop the piano with, oh, something like 300 percent of terminal velocity applied beforehand?

  2. People only have issues when God doesn't do things they want. they forget he is God not the other way around. and he is a loving, laughing God, not hateful and cranky. if you don't believe he can laugh, just take a look at a platypus, or a giraffe, or an ostrich... need I say more?

  3. Put three small kids in a fenced yard together and in two minutes they'll be playing. They won't care who the other kids' parents were, or how they voted, or where (or even if) they worship. Why do we lose that as we get older?
