Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sewing - 1930's RicRac Trim

From the bundle of clippings I got off eBay two years ago.  No publication or date noted but the hairstyle says early 1930's to me.  Winifred Avery was a pseudonym -- I think she wrote a quilting column as well. Left-click to enlarge.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Vintage Fashion - 1920's Dress Design

Lovely and cool-looking.  Probably silk rather than linen.  From Dover.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Seasonable Menus For One Week In July

From American Cookery magazine, June-July 1920.  Note that this was pre-A/C.

Breakfast.  Boiled rice, thin cream.  Shirred eggs, popovers.  Raspberries.  Coffee.
Dinner.  Cream of lettuce soup, croutons.  Roast veal, bread dressing, new potatoes.  Sliced tomatoes, stringless beans.  Strawberry shortcake.  Coffee.
Supper.  Monte Cristo salad, toasted muffins, sliced pineapple.  Cocoa.

Breakfast.  Bananas, toasted corn lakes, thin cream.  Scrambled eggs, dry toast.  Doughnuts, coffee.
Luncheon.  Mock scallop of crabs, baking powder biscuit.  Pineapple sponge, boiled custard.  Tea.
Dinner.  Veal croquettes, minted peas with lettuce.  Baked new potatoes, macaroni  Italien.  Cherry pie, cheese.  Tea or coffee.

Breakfast.  Blackberries, cream of wheat, top milk.  Broiled fresh mackerel, potatoes hashed in milk.  Yeast rolls.  Coffee.
Luncheon.  Chicken loaf, entire wheat muffins.  Coronado Beach salad, toasted crackers.  Cocoa.
Dinner.  Roast beef, Franconia potatoes.  Spinach, buttered beets, horseradish sauce.  Almond jumbles, banana sponge.  Tea or coffee.

Breakfast.  Stewed dried peaches.  Gluten grits, toast.  Veal hash with green peppers, coffee rolls.  Coffee.
Luncheon.  Chicken and spinach soup, rye muffins.  Baked custard, pistachio layer cake.
Dinner.  Clear tomato soup, croutons.  Cold roast beef, potatoes maĆ®tre d’hotel, new onions buttered.  Romaine salad.  Fruit cup, cookies.  Iced tea.

Breakfast.  Raspberries, Quaker Oats, cream.  Omelet Creole, hashed brown potatoes.  White mountain muffins.  Coffee.
Luncheon.  Tripe birds with tomato sauce.  Blueberry pie, cream cheese.  Tea.
Dinner.  Cream of string bean soup.  Broiled lamb chops, green peas.  New turnips in cream, Delmonico potatoes.  California lettuce, French dressing.  Gooseberry tarts.  Tea or coffee.

Breakfast.  Sliced pineapple.  Broiled halibut, toasted brown bread, baked potatoes.  Currant buns.  Coffee.
Luncheon.  Lettuce-and-egg salad, pulled bread.  Red raspberry shortcake.  Cocoa.
Dinner.  Clam broth, whipped cream.  Boiled lobster (cold), salad rolls, Philadelphia relish.  Peach pie.  Iced coffee.

Breakfast.  Blueberries, milk, yeast rolls. Fish cakes, broiled bacon.  Popovers.  Coffee.
Luncheon.  Lobster Newburg, blueberry muffins.  Griddle cakes and syrup.  Tea.
Dinner.  Beef balls and brown sauce with vegetables in cubes (onions, carrots, turnips).  Tomatoes, French dressing.  Bread-and-butter pudding, hard sauce.  Tea or coffee.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

Unless You're The Lead Dog, the View Never Changes

In the staff meeting this morning, the Communicable Diseases supervisor is singing the praises of a new, highly accurate rectal swab procedure that is now being used in the STD clinic.  She notices that I (the only non-RN at the table) am biting my lip.

She (smiling wickedly):  So, Shay, would you like to come down to the clinic and learn how to do this?

Me:  No thanks.  I saw enough assholes while I was on active duty.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Vintage Images - Coca Cola

From the now sadly-defunct Every Week magazine, 1916.  I can't play golf or tennis anyway, but I certainly couldn't do it in one of those outfits.  I kind of like the middy blouse though.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

'Tis Easier To Ask Forgiveness Than Permission

I have been attending a tabletop exercise co-sponsored by the state EMA and the state Red Cross office.  I am there not as a representative of my department but rather in my weekend occupation as a Red Cross disaster worker.  The first day, we were asked to stand and state our names and the group/activity we belong to within the Red Cross.

Me:  .....and I'm in Logistics.

Exercise Facilitator (somewhat ominously):  Yes.  We've heard about you and logistics.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

As Long As Someone Else Is Paying For It

I have foolishly allowed myself to be talked into spending Friday night, Saturday and Sunday in Chicago with the Red Cross.  I'm going to be such a livewire on Monday morning, I can tell you.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Vintage Images - Edwardian Children

Looking at these, they may actually be Victorian.  Split the difference and let's say 1880's...copyright-free, and from Dover.

Oh, Shut Up

He (from bathroom):  Whoa!

Me:  What?

He:  I've lost thirteen pounds in the last two weeks.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Forty-nine Vintage Knitting and Crochet eBooks for Seven Bucks

This is just one of the forty-nine vintage needlework eBooks (mostly knitting and crochet but a scant handful of hairpin lace and tatting) that Purple Kitty is offering for $7. That's seven dollars for all of them, not seven bucks apiece, btw.

 NAYY -- I don't know how long the offer is good for, but I bought mine this morning and the weekend is therefore shot to hell. I've flipped through three of the eBooks so far and they are very high-quality and professionally done.

 It's a little confusing to purchase -- click on "Add to Cart" for anyone of the eBooks listed, and you'll see under "More items from this seller" a listing for Purple Kitty Pattern Library. Add that and remove the individual eBook. I'm sure there's an easier way to do it but I haven't found the direct link.

 (caveat emptor -- it's about an hour-long .pdf download).

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Online Bookshelf - Big-Book Western, 1937

And available online in all it's thrilling glory, here.

 "Outcasts' Doom Patrol" is a pretty good western with an awful title, btw. I have the book version, which the publishers were smart enough to retitle although the new name "Gunman's Greed" had little to do with the actual book.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fringe Benefit

One of the neat things about this job is that I occasionally have lunch with the fire chief (yes, he of the dildo fame), which allows me to get the inside scoop on what happened when the Dairy Queen burned down last week.

Vintage Images - Vacation!

I could do with some beach time right now.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Matter of Opinion

I was released early from a training session on Friday afternoon and decided that it was too late to go back to work (koff, koff).  So I hit the Mission thrift shop and found, among other things (their paperback selection is often good but not so much the scarves.  The rich ladies must donate to the Mennonite hospital thrift store), a 1950 copy of the Robertshaw cookbook. Robertshaw made stoves, I think, and published a number of fairly pedestrian cookbooks to publicize their product.

This little booklet must have been the property of a local resident, since there was a clipping advertising the products of a now-defunct county dairy stuck between the pages.  The previous owner had written the word "Yes" and underlined it next to this recipe.

Peanut Butter Cookies.

1 c. butter or other shortening
1 c. granulated sugar
2 eggs, well-beaten
1 t. vanilla
1 t. soda
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. peanut butter
2 c. sifted enriched flour
1/2 t. salt.

Cream butter, add sugar, cream together.  Add well-beaten eggs, peanut butter and vanilla.  Sift together flour, soda and salt.  Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture and blend well.  Shape into balls the size of walnuts.  Place on greased cookit sheet.  Flatten with fork to about 1/4 inch thickness.  Bake in preheated oven (350F) as directed above (12-15 minutes).

She wrote "No" and underlined it for this one.  It looks harmless but the recommended baking temperature/time might have resulted in some pretty hard cookies.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

1/2 cup butter
6 T. sugar
6 T. brown sugar
1 egg, well beaten
1/2 t. vanilla
1/2 t. soda
1 1/8 c. sifted enriched flour
1/2 t. salt
1/2 c. chopped nuts
7-ounce package chocolate chips

Cream together butter and sugar.  Add beaten egg and vanilla and blend well.  Sift together flour, soda and salt.  Blend dry ingredients with first mixture.  Fold in nuts and chocolate chips.  Drop by spoonfuls on greased cookie sheet.  Bake in preheated oven (375-400F) as directed above (12-15 minutes).

Saturday, July 7, 2012


It's 102F/39C outside.  I am in the basement with the cats, and we are not coming out.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012


The high point of my day today was donating blood.