Saturday, July 14, 2012

Forty-nine Vintage Knitting and Crochet eBooks for Seven Bucks

This is just one of the forty-nine vintage needlework eBooks (mostly knitting and crochet but a scant handful of hairpin lace and tatting) that Purple Kitty is offering for $7. That's seven dollars for all of them, not seven bucks apiece, btw.

 NAYY -- I don't know how long the offer is good for, but I bought mine this morning and the weekend is therefore shot to hell. I've flipped through three of the eBooks so far and they are very high-quality and professionally done.

 It's a little confusing to purchase -- click on "Add to Cart" for anyone of the eBooks listed, and you'll see under "More items from this seller" a listing for Purple Kitty Pattern Library. Add that and remove the individual eBook. I'm sure there's an easier way to do it but I haven't found the direct link.

 (caveat emptor -- it's about an hour-long .pdf download).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I'm downloading right now. Seven bucks very well expended ;D
