Monday, August 20, 2012

Vintage Images - Harper's Ferry Etching

Posted just to provide me with an excuse to mention Grimes Davis and one of my favorite stories from the Civil War.


  1. That is one of the better stories from the Civil War, thanks!

  2. How was your visit to Gettysburg?

  3. As always, great. This was my third visit, the spousal unit's second.

    We took a guided tour in the morning and then went back in the afternoon with the map and walked over the ground by ourselves.

    One has to commend the 19th century citizens of Gettysburg who were foresighted enough to realize that the battlefield needed to be set aside and preserved for posterity.

  4. Our command has had two staff rides to Gettysburg and my husband and I have gone twice on our own. Walking the ground is the best way to take it in. Recommend reading Drew Gilpin Faust's "Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War".
