Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sins of Omission

A recipe for Chili con Carne from a Mrs. Esbern Hanson, Grayling, Michigan (1937).

One lb. roundsteak cut up in very small cubes.  Fry in butter slowly until tender.  Fry chopped onions in butter until done.  Put together in a kettle and add 1 can mushrooms and a few sliced stuffed olives, 1 can kidney beans, about two pimentos cut up fine.  Salt, pepper, cayenne.  thicken with flour and water thickening.  Serve on lettuce leaf with buttered roll.

(Walnut Pickles and Watermelon Cake; a Century of Michigan Cooking, by Larry B. Massie and Priscilla Massie, Wayne State University Press, 1990).


  1. I don't know that I would enjoy dinner at Mrs. Esbern Hanson's home on the day she chose to serve chili.

  2. I'm still trying to make sense of the lettuce leaf.
