Wednesday, March 20, 2013

In Memoriam

Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferocity, and all the Virtues of Man without his vices. 

Dr. Tinyvet said we might have bought him three more months by having his spleen removed.  We couldn't put him through that.


  1. I am so sorry. He was a beautiful guy.

  2. So sorry. I think of him running and chasing in a big, green field, under a beautiful, golden su, free of pain and waiting patiently for his people.

  3. I am sorry for your loss. It is so hard when we lose our loved ones.

  4. My deepest sympathy to you, your husband, and the other animals in the family.

    BTW, I live in Poplarville, MS, halfway between Hattiesburg (recently struck with a massive tornado) and New Orleans. Poplarville enjoys the distinction of being where the paths of Camille and Katrina crossed. Lesson learned - swimming pools make EXCELLENT bathtubs at night. A five gallon bucket of swimming pool water emptied into a toilet tank allows a good flush.

  5. So, So Sorry... It's so difficult to let them go, but to not let them suffer is the last, best choice you can make to Love them. Peace to you all.

  6. Oh no. Shay and Spousal Unit- I am so very, very sorry to hear this news. You gave him a wonderful life.

  7. Always hard to lose a beloved pet - you made the right decision.
    My daughter breeds German Shepherds - they are lovely gentle companions.

  8. Oh, my heart hurts for you guys. We're maybe a month or two away from having to make that same call on our Tye. I'll be thinking about you today.

  9. I am so, so sorry. :( We love them so much, and they leave us so soon...

    Was it hemangiosarcoma (guessing from the spleen description)? We lost our first Aussie to that.

  10. What a heartbreak. My sympathies.

  11. Sending a pray. So sorry.

  12. were good to let him go

  13. I loved your dog stories. I am so sorry.

  14. Know that you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. I've been down this path--as difficult as it is... Blessings, Sharon

  15. I'm so very sorry. You did right by him, but that doesn't make it any easier.

  16. He was a lovely boy. So sorry for your loss.

  17. So sorry for your loss.
