Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Well, Hell

The spousal unit went in for knee surgery today, and I just got a juror summons.

I seem to remember these things come in threes.

Updated 6/27/13:  Okay, the RN who is my team lead and who handles all volunteer training has announced her retirement.  Which takes effect the day before I start jury duty.


  1. I hope the 3rd is only a hairball from the Drama Queen and NOTHING else.

  2. May your husband recover quickly, so you don't lose your sanity. ;) Hopefully, you can get out of jury duty, since you need to "take care" of your husband. Good luck.

  3. prayers for a speedy recovery for the spousal unit and an easy relaxing time at jury duty. Let us hope that whatever befalls as the 3rd shoe is easy to handle.

  4. Here's hoping no one gets the bright idea to move you into the co-ordinator's position.
