Thursday, August 1, 2013

Elevation Not Corrected For Recoil

About 0400 Sunday I woke up feeling as though someone had me gimbel-mounted and was using me for a gyroscope.  I am currently on two different medications, one of which causes drowsiness, the other causing drowsiness and blurred vision.

It's either some kind of viral infection attacking my inner ear, or Meniere's disease (My sister the RN is such a comfort).  I'll let you know. Once the room stops spinning.


  1. Oh No! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. My husband has Meniere's disease and the usual onset symptoms are increasing deafness in one ear often accompanied with a feeling of fullness and pressure in the ear. The dizzyness which you have described comes later. Anyone watching your eyes will see them rotating wildly. If you didn't get the preceeding deafness and your eyes aren't rotating, it isn't Meniere's.

  3. wishes for a speedy recovery, both options are no fun, but I hope it is a virus and not Meniere's.

  4. If you have nausea from the dizziness/vertigo, there's a couple of things that I've found that help (as I can't take antihistimines which are usually what anti-nausea drugs are.) 1: Sea Bands (elastic one size fits nobody bands about 1/2inch wide with an attached flat bead to be placed on an accupressure spot on the inner wrist (work amazingly well), and 2: the ancient slice or ginger root or pinch of ground ginger in a cup of boiled water remedy. Ginger should keep your stomach down. Hope this goes away soon. It sounds miserable.

  5. a friend who was stationed off guam in a tin can doing navy code stuff in the 70's became the system manager for the university research computers i later did grad student work on (i don't know how, but God has a wicked sense of humour). we got those sorts of odd messages "non-laminar data flow encountered", "turbulence in system inflow" from our research code because he immediately knew how to hack the system and lurved messing with our civilian minds.
    hope you are getting better.

  6. It appears to have been a virus although I still have a few mild dizzy spells (no comments from the peanut gallery, there).
