Tuesday, August 27, 2013


If you are a waiter at a new rib place in town, stopping a drip by putting your bare finger over the spout on the sauce bottle in front of customers is a bad idea.

It's a really bad idea when those customers work at the Health Department.


  1. We left a tip. But when I got back to work I sent an email to his boss.

  2. Sometimes I think people just don't know any better. How many times have you seen someone in scrubs or a nursing uniform walking down the street at lunchtime? You just know they're not going to be stopped on their way back in and told to change and clean up.

  3. Nursing uniform I don't have a problem with. Scrubs to me are a copout though...everyone seems to be wearing them even if they've never gotten closer to medical/nursing school than re-runs of "St. Elsewhere."

  4. Ick, ick, ick. Good for you to complain. I will switch lanes at the grocery store if the cashier has those nasty giant plugs in their ears. ick.

  5. I would have said something too.
