Monday, October 21, 2013

Vintage Advertising - Woodbury's Soap

From Every Week magazine, 1915.


  1. I'm sure my mum or grandma used to buy this and sometimes Lux soap. BTW, found this risqué ad when looking for dates/places the company operated.

    I buy Pears which is still available here. It smells wonderful (and I'm not allergic to it.) Looks expensive, but really cheap here compared to everything else - and twice as nice.

  2. I found this risqué ad when looking for dates/places the company operated as I'm sure my mum used to buy this soap. I buy Pears which is wonderful, still made the same way, and, these days, looks/smells/feels expensive but is so cheap.

  3. That does seem a bit racy for the times!
