Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

We are still not Kühlschrankfähig and the water was not hooked up as promised on Friday (which is why dinner, right now, looks as though it's going to be tuna fish sandwiches) but progress is being made.  About 60% of the old kitchen stuff is back in the cupboards. Tomorrow night, and all shall be well. Supposedly.

Except the glass cupboard doors which apparently have fallen off a truck.  Our contractor is on the hunt and I wouldn't want to be in the guilty party's shoes -- the guy's muscles have muscles.

This was taken standing in the living room, looking through the dining room into the new, open kitchen.  And yes, it has occurred to me that I can no longer shut the door on any mess.

1 comment:

  1. Consider the open concept as a challenge to keep the kitchen tidy. And it is a lovely kitchen!
