Thursday, February 6, 2014

You Will Notice Something's Missing

Viz., the new refrigerator that was supposed to be delivered today.  We came home to a cheerful voice on the answering machine telling us that he was calling to confirm delivery.  This, after Brian made it clear to the store that a) the contractor would be there today and b) if there were any questions, not to call the home # but  rather my cell phone.  

Do people even listen anymore?  Because we had the same experience when dealing with my credit union, leaving voice mails giving explicit instructions not to call the number listed on the account, because it was the home # and one is there during the day.  It took three phone calls and my nastiest lissen-up-yew-maggots voice before it got through to them.

On the plus side of the ledger, the backsplash on the built-in cabinet and the countertops are gorgeous. I'll have to try for a better shot during daylight.


  1. Lovely! Are you counters soapstone? I hope the yahoos picked up their clue phone and you get your fridge soon.

  2. Corian. Soapstone's a bit out of our budget.

    I'm hoping they deliver tomorrow; I would hate to have wasted all that ire in a voice mail for naught.

  3. That is looking so good. Modern, yet fits with the age of your home. Is is a Sears house? my grandparents was. I always thought it was so interesting that it arrived in puzzle pieces on the train and grandpa put it together.

  4. I thought it was either slate or soapstone, too, or maybe bluestone. Gorgeous!

    So much counter, you could do a Snoopy happy dance up there.

  5. The cabinets are lovely!

    By the way, I miss your Sunday recipes.

  6. Looking mighty fine there, Shay! Sorry about the turkey butts not delivering the fridge on time.
