Saturday, March 22, 2014

This is beginning to piss me off

I have noticed, fairly recently, that someone or something is inserting advertising links into my posts.  I have deleted the ones that I've found, but this is more than annoying.

Is this just a Blogger issue, or is this happening elsewhere?  Because if there's a permanent solution I'd like to find it.

(Note:  as fast as I delete them, they are re-inserted, so this is obviously a program run by the Blogger people.  Grrr).

UPDATE:  This is not Blogger, but rather appears to be the work of an extension called Coupon Server, which smugly informs me cannot be removed or disabled.  Like hell.


  1. I haven't noticed this on my blog., I will have to keep an eye out.

  2. They appear on one PC but not on the other and I wonder if it's the browser...

  3. that is a good possibility. You might need to click a check box somewhere in the settings

  4. Doing something like that should result in loss of service to the person doing it. We all need better rules and policing by service providers. Anything we can do to help?

  5. Are the adds appearing at the top of the screen? If so, it may be an extension that got added from another site. I've had this annoying thing happen MANY times. The solution is to disable the ad-generating extension. It may be called Media View or Media Watch. If that doesn't work, you may have to restore your system to a time before the ads started appearing. Good luck!

  6. Yes...this is something happening only on the upstairs PC and it does look like some kind of advertising function was enabled. I'm going to start looking for rogue software.

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  9. This happened once on my blog. I did two things (on the advice of my computer engineer son): first, I changed my Google password; then, I ran a malware scan. Whichever action did it, I haven't had a problem since then. I also picked a much more complicated password.

  10. I have a blog on Wordpress, and those ads have not only just begun to appear on my blog, but they are retroactive. If I go back to old posts, the ads are there now, and they weren't before. Annoying, but obviously not limited to Blogger alone.
