Monday, June 16, 2014

Vintage Advertising - Bon Ami

Such a cheerful color for her housedress.  This was from the Woman's Home Companion, October 1921.


  1. Well, I'm not as old as this magazine, but I do remember that yellow chick in the Bon Ami ads from the 50s and 60s. Anyone know what a chick has to do with cleaning windows or is it there just because it's cute and different?

  2. I use Bon Ami to clean my shower doors all the time, but never even considered it for mirrors or regular windows. It is absolutely terrific for removing hard water deposits! Will have to try the "leave it to dry and wipe it off" approach. Maybe that will help keep the doors cleaner longer.

  3. If you have to do housework, a happy dress color might help.

  4. Bunnykins, Bon Ami still uses the baby chick - and the slogan is still "It hasn't scratched yet". The idea is that chickens are born knowing how to scratch for food - a bit convoluted, and probably lost on a non-farming population, but still clever.

  5. Thanks for that, Lady Anne. I'd forgotten that slogan.
    Next time the other half is south of the border, I'm going to ask him to bring me back some as I haven't seen it here for over 15 years. It was a really good cleaner, and didn't have a strong scent like most modern cleaners. My mum was of the 'learn by doing housework' variety, so it was a regular part of my life as a girl, that and the bottle of silver polish.
