Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Stop Calling Me

You are not going to die.


  1. They aren't really asking you that, are they? I do like the poster.

  2. CBC ran an interview with a woman in her (open to the air) home in Sierra Leone. She and her young daughter had been diagnosed as having ebola even though they looked quite healthy. Her husband and one son had died of it. The remaining son appeared disease free. The rule was that no one could approach closer than five feet from the house which was surrounded by caution tape. Add the mandatory cremation of bodies and the UK's stopping direct flights from parts of Africa, and we're back to treating this like a medieval plague. After SARS and bird flu and countless disaster films, people seem to be expecting a pandemic. Good on you for putting up that poster.

  3. Oh, Sam...I wish I could reprint the text of the phone message that was left for one of our CD nurses.

    At times like this I wonder why we as a country are so science-illiterate. The conditions for an Ebola pandemic just flat out do not exist in this country.

  4. I think because the government made such a big deal of SARS, which killed less than 800 people world wide, and only 8 in the United States, we are all conditioned to expect the world to end every time somebody, someplace comes down with something, no matter how far-fetched it may seem.
