Thursday, December 18, 2014


Yeah, I know Caturday's not for two days, but still...


  1. lol! I'm glad my cats were never that bad. Funny to watch it happen to somebody else, though...

  2. Oh, been there and done that! We had to tie our tree into the corner one year, and the cat still managed to tip it over, so it was hanging sideways. (I also enjoyed the "Scaredy Cat" film which followed.)

  3. I've only had one cat climb the tree. Of course, that was the year when I thought it was firmly anchored, wasn't, and almost all the vintage hand blown balls were smashed.
    No icicles (mega vet bills for the new kitten who spent days in the vets being flushed out from both ends.)
    So: Nothing breakable.
    Lots of cat ball sized stuff on the lowest branches for cats to play with or steal.
    Squirt bottles at the ready.
    Liniment and hot pepper sauce at hand just in case.

    That cat video is hilarious - just not in my house, please.

  4. Thank you so much for reminding me of the true meaning of Christmas, which is do not bring a cut tree into a house with a cat in it!!

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  5. Reserve Cat -- who really is a cat of distinguished manners and bearing -- shows no interest in climbing the tree or even swinging at the ornaments. Impressive.

  6. Extra cuddles for Reserve Cat.
    Does he have a name yet?

  7. The spousal unit has always referred to him as "Thor."
