Sunday, December 7, 2014

Staff of Life


1 cup shortening
½ cup lukewarm water
9 cups sifted flour, about
2 cups milk, scalded
6 eggs, beaten
1 ½ teaspoons salt
1 ½ cups currants
1 cup sugar

Soften yeast in lukewarm water.  Add milk to salt, sugar and shortening.  When lukewarm add yeast.  Add half the flour 2 cakes yeast and beat well.  Let rise until very light.  Add eggs, currants and remaining flour.  Knead lightly, let rise and when light place in greased bread pans.  Let rise and when light bake as for white bread.*  When bread is 2 days old,  cut into thick slices and toast.  Makes 3 loaves.

(*Bake in hot oven - 400°F - 10 minutes, reduce temperature to 375°F and bake 35 to 40 minutes longer)


½ cake yeast
1 ½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup lukewarm water
2 T sugar
½ c. corn meal
1 T. shortening
1 ¾ c. boiling water
2 ¾ to 3 c. sifted flour

Soften yeast in lukewarm water.  Cook corn meal in water 10 minutes; add salt, sugar and shortening.  Coll until lukewarm, stirring occasionally to prevent a film. When cool add softened yeast and beat well.  Add flour and mix well.  Knead, using as little flour on board as possible.  Put into a greased bowl and let rise until almost doubled in bulk.  Knead down and let rise again.  Shape into loaves, place in pan and let rise until it has almost doubled.  Bake as for standard white bread.  Makes 2 loaves.


1 cake yeast
½ cup lukewarm water
½ c. boiling water
1 ½ t. salt
1 T. sugar
1 T. shortening
2 c. mashed potatoes
4 c. sifted flour (enough to make medium dough)

Combine in order given, following general directions for straight dough method.  Makes two loaves.

The American Woman's Cook Book, ed. by Ruth Berolzheimer, 1950.


  1. What became of the yeast in the first recipe? And wait two days? I'm not sure *any* bread would last that long in our house.

  2. The problem with a lot of older cookbooks is that they take too much for granted -- such as, the reader already knows how to make bread and is just using the recipe as guidance for the ingredients.

  3. That sounds like a lot of the recipes I got from my grandmother - 2 cups flour, 1 cup butter, some raisins, 350 for 7 minutes. And that's it.

    Although my favorite was a recipe for Hassenpfeffer, which began "First catch your rabbit".
