Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Happy Year of the Sheep

Xinnian hao!  This cute little pattern showed up on Craftpassion rather serendipitously yesterday. A good way to get rid of some of the socks the dryer didn't eat.


  1. Cute! Too bad my dryer eats one sock and leaves the other with large holes...

  2. My dryer hides socks. When I finally give up and use the one-and-only to wax the furniture, the dryer then spits out he mate. And snickers.

  3. Yes, it's the same rule that applies to gloves. As soon as you stop looking for the lost one and buy a new pair...voila.

  4. I keep an odd sock in my car, and put it over my glove when I pump gas in the winter. It keeps my hand warm, and my gloves don't get all smelly. When the sock gets unbearable, I toss it.

    And the mate shows up.

  5. Amusing stories about socks and dryers, and I definitely can relate!

    Always enjoy reading your blog, which I found several years ago via Gina, the Tatting Goddess. We will never forget her!

    Always love the cat pictures, and I really laughed at the cartoon about the two dogs deleting the homework! Also, I very much appreciate the link to these adorable sock lambs and their creator! Don't know if I'll make them - I sure would like to try - but I think they are so adorable and clever! That's why I love the internet!

    Hope you're feeling better!

  6. Only if by 'better' you mean 'the gunk in my throat is starting to break up, keeping me up all night, coughing.'

