Saturday, March 7, 2015



  1. From what I know of cats, opposable thumbs don't seem to be necessary, but this one does have a "leg up" on the job.

  2. Until they can manipulate the can opener themselves, we have the upper

  3. Ours can open the door, at any rate. We have the new lever-type openers, rather than round knobs. He just jumps up and hangs from the thing until it clicks, and then doesn't let go until he's started to jump, so his weight swings the door open. Anything to get on the bed with The Squire.

  4. I almost thought this photo was 'doctored', but thanks to my own 'curiosity' I now know about polydactyl cats - and there are variations of the extra digits! There are famous people associated with them (Hemingway, T. Roosevelt). This is the first time I've ever heard of this - thanks for the cute photo and funny caption! PS-Hope you feel better. I also had something similar years ago.
