Sunday, June 21, 2015

Overheard At The Conference

 This (very short) conversation took place in the hotel breakfast room Thursday morning at the state conference.

He:  So the media's calling it a "hate crime" (with air quotes).  When *they* kill *us* how come the media never calls it a hate crime?

She:  Refresh my memory...when was the last time a black kid walked into a white church and shot nine people?


  1. And a certain Texas (out)law-maker complained will "Use this as another excuse to try to take away our guns". Is that all nine lives mean to this bozo? Honestly, some days I'm ashamed to admit I'm an American. Who, me? I'm from Canada, eh? Works for Ted Cruz...Maybe I can reclaim my UK passport.

  2. As a native of CT, I am more than ready for real gun control laws that work.
    Sandy Hook then and Charleston now...

  3. Don't look to Canada. After 10 years of a Republican-lite federal government, we have a lot of work to do to restore gun control laws removed against the objections of the public, the association of chiefs of police and the RCMP. Fingers crossed for a change this October.

  4. The real irony of this situation is that Dylan Roof wanted to start a race war, and instead he has brought us all closer together. There is a sense of unity I have never felt before. I just wish there had been a less traumatic way to do it.
