Saturday, October 17, 2015



  1. Glad Tigger can play the xylophone. I don't think I'd walk that particular plank without a life jacket.

  2. Dinner Theater - Cat Style.

  3. Anyone else think Tigger is a girl? That's exactly how my proud lady cats carry off their captured prey, singing as they go. The boys - pfft. They don't hunt.
    Good thing I'm not single, or I'd be a crazy cat lady.

  4. Come to think of it, Reserve Cat sneaks into the house with his catch, head down, shoulders hunched, and hides back in the furnace room to eat it.

  5. My females always thought the prey was a toy to be played with while stunned. The males just left the bottom half for me to find. Usually in the clean laundry. Hence Reilly & Miss Sprite are indoor only cats. June bugs are the best wild caught treat they get.

  6. Reserve Cat growls when you try to remove his kill, and it's usually a two-person job. One to hold the cat, one to pry open his jaws and take out the dead thing.
