Saturday, January 23, 2016



  1. We have snow up to the window sills and our dopey cat thinks he wants to go OUT.

  2. That cat looks a little desperate, doesn't he? I used to dibble the new kittens' feet in the first snowfall just so they would know that's it's not as fun as it looks. Also used to butter the tope of their front paws so they'd know where home was, but that's just my mother's old superstition.

  3. Butter on the paws had a bad reaction in my childhood house. Of course if my sister had just done the front paws on Maine Coon perhaps my mom would not have fallen on the linoleum floor from all four paws being buttered at once...

    We had 10" on the shores of Connecticut. The cats were very happy to have heated human laps to sleep on for hours or until one's leg fell asleep...

  4. Oh, Sam, my mother was Scottish. She'd never be so extravagant as to butter all four. We did just the tops of the front ones. I can't imagine cleaning cat fur and butter off a kitchen floor, esp after having fallen on it.

  5. Reserve Cat walks out the door, looks at the snow, AND STARTS SHAKING HIS PAWS.

    Three feet from the closest snow.

  6. Reserve Cat go away snow boogie; film at 11?

    I used to have a long, long tailed cat who would walk out the front door, turn back and come in while the last few inches of his tail were still going out. Now that's flexible. Didn't like snow, either. Spent the winter lounging on a radiator sleeping and bird watching.

  7. Bunnykins,not sure what upset my mom more - wasting butter on cat paws, sliding on the floor and not being able to get up gracefully or the time it took said sister to scrub the entire floor. I thought it was hysterical! We did have 1 cat, Sylvia, who thought she might like to walk in snow. Never saw 4 paws retract so fast when they hit the snow or come back down even faster when the belly sank in 6" of the white stuff.

  8. I have a YouTube video of her Majesty making it plain what she thinks of the snow, but I've never filmed my big yellow boy. Perhaps I should rectify that.
