Thursday, February 4, 2016

Another Day, Another Road Trip

Getting ready to head south for a 3-day Red Cross training weekend.  Someone has pointed out that I’ve been gone an awful lot since I retired. 


  1. Go and enjoy! That's what retirement is for: doing what you please (or as much of it as you can get away with.) I'd phone home to speak to Reserve Cat this time, though, to soothe his injured feelings. The other half does that when he's away because 3 days in, they start to look at me suspiciously, as if I've left at the vets.

  2. I second Bunnykins comment. Besides when you are gone is the perfect time for Himself to do house projects, no? And no one can just jump into doing nothing - one must ease into a lighter schedule. But as you front page states, emergencies wait for no one!

  3. I should point out here that I'm teaching two of the classes so this is not exactly a vacation for moi. He's still crabby.

  4. Poor boy may have thought he lost you after finally his very own cat mum again. Boy cats are always the smushiest, no matter how big or tough they look.

  5. You may find retirement is too much for you. The Squire keeps claiming he's going to have to go back to work, just so he can get some time off.
