Saturday, February 20, 2016

Oh Man Beware

Babyface died last night.  Brian found her this morning.


  1. Oh NO!! So very Sorry for your loss. It's awful to lose our Fur-Babies. May good memories give you Peace.

  2. Oh, Shay. So very sorry for your loss. I hope Brian is doing ok with this. Hugs.

  3. Oh, what a heartbreak. You're in my thoughts today.

  4. Thanks, Miss A. This was completely unexpected and she was very much Daddys girl, so he's taking it hard.

  5. I'm so very sorry for all of you. That was much too soon.

  6. Sending thoughts and prayers from CT to you all. So very, very sorry to hear this.

  7. Oh, Shay! I am so sorry for you and Brian. It doesn't seem all that long since you lost Her Majesty, and now this. I firmly believe that pets go to Heaven. They give us unconditional love, and teach us to do the same.

    Tell Brian that big boys DO cry.

    Hugs to both of you, and an extra scritch behind the ears to Reserve Cat.

  8. Reserve Cat yelled at us last night for several minutes in loud and querulous tones, something he rarely does. I think he senses something's missing.

    It's kind of funny -- I just finished lunch and automatically set my plate down on the floor to be licked.

  9. It's hard enough to explain to a child why someone isn't there, but impossible to explain to a cat. Our critters were always upset for a few weeks after one of them died, possibly because they sensed how upset we were. Not much you can do but wait it out and give him an extra cuddle. Hugs to you all.

  10. After we had to have our old dog put down, Blazer wandered around the house for several days, looking under beds, behind chairs, etc. When he couldn't find Pepper, he decided to start calling her, and we had two days of going from room to room, barking.

    It about tore us to pieces.

    (And it's nice to know you always have your dishes "pre-washed", too.)

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Fur babies are family and it hurts to lose them.
