Monday, April 11, 2016

Naming No Names, But

Someone whose nose is slightly out of joint just deposited a freshly-killed rabbit on the basement steps.

Edited to add:  The photo was grabbed from the LOLCat site and although it looks like him, it's not Reserve Cat.


  1. And,then? What did you do with it? I've never received anything larger than a sparrow.

  2. Brian picked it up in a paper towel and dropped it into the trash can with full military honors.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Such a lush offering totally deserved the Full Military Honors. Also known in Cat as "here's the bribe, get rid of IT". "Sniff the kitty butt" indeed!

  5. At least he didn't try to drag it into the house to show you how he REALLY felt. We've never gotten a rabbit, but we have received various birds and mice, and on one unforgettable occasion, a not-quite-yet-dead snake.

  6. Seems like the new addition has gotten Reserve Cat off mum's knitting, out of that comfy bed, and bent on proving his masculinity and worth as a provider and protector - or is it just spring? Glad it wasn't a snake (shivers.) Reptiles creep me out.

  7. He made it as far as the basement landing, Lady Anne!

    Yes, fortunately he doesn't seem to have a taste for snakes, although the ones around here are non-poisonous.

  8. Snakes are icky but "not dead yet can I fly through your window" birds creep me out.
    Had this happen 3 times with 3 different felines. Then there was the bat that Sylvia creep time! Not to mention my mom freaking out over if the bat had rabies or not (it didn't as it was 11pm when Sylvia did the deed).

  9. The default mode for bats is "rabid."

    They're like skunks -- always assume they're infected and act accordingly, per the spousal unit and our county Animal Control officer.

  10. We did take the dead bat to our resident bat 1am after a trip to the vet to make sure there were no bites on the cat. Both were negative for rabies. My mom had a knack for befriending people with odd skill sets. Bat dude was also a college professor and wild life rehabber.
