Friday, June 17, 2016

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Animal Shelter

At the top of my list of things to do this week was “get kitten.”  I think Reserve Cat would have preferred the kitten.

Updated to add:  Dribblechin* is 18 months old and was picked up by animal control.  His people either wouldn't or couldn't come up with the cash to bail him out so he wound up in a rescue.

*you should see the floor around the water dish.


  1. Is Newdog happy with a new buddy? And if you needed a kitten, I have plenty from my rescue mommy!!!

  2. Doesn't look much like a kitten to me! But he is a handsome lad.

  3. I'm assuming Reserve Cat is either having a nervous breakdown, or beating Dribblechin into submission. Love that name, BTW.

  4. Happy, happy puppy! What's better than having a good home and a new playmate? As travel souvenirs go, he's a treasure! Poor reserve cat needs that kitten, someone smaller than him to snuggle and play with and to eventually be bossed around by.

  5. The new kitten is going to have to wait a few months, at least until everyone is snapped in here.

  6. Love the name of Dribblechin. How is NewDog handling the addition? And you?

  7. TWO German shepherds? Poor Reserve Cat. OTOH, maybe the dogs will go outside to play and leave him alone now?

  8. My personal name for him is "Chunk." He is one solid dog and although we don't expect him to get any taller at 18 months, I imagine he might add a few pounds. It's all in his chest and shoulders.
