Saturday, July 2, 2016



  1. The Squire used to have a cat who would sit on the back of the sofa and lean on his shoulder until he laid down. Then she would sit on his chest, arms around his neck and head under his chin, and purr, lick and drool.
    Absolutely obscene!

  2. And here I've been thinking our resident toe freak was bad.

  3. Compared to a 75 lb German Shepherd thinking he's still a pup and flinging himself into your lap?

  4. Our friends once had an oversized King shepherd that looked more like an all black Doberman to me and who thought he was still a puppy. He tried to cuddle up on the sofa beside me when I was dog sitting and thought I'd have a nap. Dog weighed more than I did at the time. He was so big, he took stairs three at a time. Terrifying as I smelled like kitty cat, he wasn't fond of cats and we didn't really know each other.
    I'll take a cat in the face any time instead.

  5. Big Yellow Boy doesn't sleep on my face but Her Majesty used to -- on cold nights -- drape herself across the top of my head like a live Daniel Boone cap.

  6. Our Maine Coons just look at my sister and she makes the correct lap for each beast.
    Of course the cats do think shoving a large furry paw in one's eye or mouth to get one up to feed said beast is fine. As for oversized animals. my best friend had a Bernese Mountain Dog. Shasta, at 135 lbs, was convinced she was a lap dog and you just needed a bigger lap! Because she was GOING to sit in your lap, like it or not.
