Saturday, August 13, 2016


Not entirely OT: I responded to a suspiciously metallic crash from the kitchen and found Reserve Cat glaring down at his upended food dish, kitty kibble all over the floor, and two startled-looking German shepherds. They of course were reprimanded... but you know? It would not surprise me to find out he staged the whole thing.


  1. Think Reserve Cat missed the jump and tipped over his own dish? After all, cats are never, ever to blame. If my old Ruby had tipped over the dish, it would have been empty and the floor licked up. All I would have got from her was an innocent grin.

  2. The more innocent the wide-eyed stare, the greater the crime. RC probably claims his jumped was sabotaged by the dawgs.

  3. Last night we heard a mighty crash, followed by running feet. The Squire went upstairs to see what had happened (obviously involved one of the four-footed kids), but I went into the bathroom.
    The "medicine chest" - an 11 X 15 clear plastic tub - had mysteriously jumped from the top shelf of the linen closet onto the floor, with gauze bandaged unfurled along the way and Epsom salts sprinkled all over the scatter rugs.
    Eddie tried to blame the dog but I didn't buy that story for a minutes. The cat is named after Sir Edmond Hillary, which may give you a hint.

  4. The Smart Evil Overload lets the flunkies take the fall for all actions.

  5. Funny how often it's "Nobody" and Nobody turns out to be the cat.

    If that makes sense.

  6. In my house, four girls with 5 years,"nobody" was known as "My evil twin, Skippy"
    Skippy ALWAYS got blamed. Or the cat.
