Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Regrets, I've Had A Few

I gave Batdog a ball that squeaks.


  1. Is he happy? Is he bugging the other critters as much as he is you and enjoying it? Is he getting oodles of extra attention (all attention is still attention?) And why does it never bother the squeaker as much as the squeakees?
    Sympathies, and a grin.

  2. Fortunately, as of this morning, he has destroyed the ball. Back to the Kong for him!

  3. Small sympathies and lots of grins here. Have you tried the squeaker at the store to see if it makes you nuts after 5 minutes? And was Batdog happy squeaking away?

  4. Any dog to whom we have ever given a squeaky toy has immediately pulled out the squeaker. (Thank God.) I've never been able to find "official" dog toys without squeakers, so I stop at the Thrift Shop and grab a couple of smaller stuffed animals.

    I did accidentally get one that was filled with tiny foam pellets instead of proper stuffing. THAT was a joy to clean up! They stuck to the dog, the walls, the furniture - and danced away from the vacuum cleaner like so many itty-bitty ball-erinas.

  5. Back when the SIL had a huge dog, I knit and felted something that looked like a bathrobe belt for her to use as a tug toy - and he didn't destroy it. Maybe something knit then braided and felted for a toy?

  6. I have only had 2 dogs that liked to squeak a toy. I honestly kinda enjoy it. Though admittedly, my dogs didn't squeak it nonstop for a long time.

  7. The ball was one that I found in the trunk of the car when I cleaned it out. I have no facilities for carbon dating, so I don't know how long it was in there.

    It was probably a conference freebie.

    At any rate, it has rung up the curtain and joined the choir invisible. It is an ex-ball.

  8. Bunnykins, they have a rope. I need to film them dragging each other across the porch for your amusement.
