Friday, October 7, 2016

A Show Of Hands, Please

Everyone who has ever tried to make a bed with kittens helping.


  1. Bed Mice is the cat's favorite game...

  2. Hiding in the sheet cave. I'm the sheet inspector. This clean sheet NEEDS cat hair.

    All variations on "Let's drive Mommy even more insane than she already is."


  3. Ah, yes. Hunker down under the bottom sheet so Mum makes the bed over you. Turn on your back and use your claws to creep out backwards, and pull the sheet all kitty-wumpus in the process. Repeat as needed with top sheet and blankets.

  4. Mine wait until the bed's remade, then crawl under the floor length bedspread and roll up in the bottom corners, dragging the bedding down the bed with them. There's something about the smell of freshly washed linens that's better than catnip.

  5. This was me making up the bed in the spare room yesterday.

    Of course when HE put clean sheets on the bed in the master bedroom this afternoon, the New Kids were stalking Reserve Cat in the kitchen and paid no attention.

  6. I bundle them up in the sheets coming off and carry them to the laundry area. They usually beat me back to the bed to "help" put the clean sheets on!

  7. Our Maine Coons adore the Bed Mice Game. They wait for the top sheet to fall down and then pounce! Fingers under the sheet are also delectable. But they only play this game on my sister's bed, never mine. Maybe you are the "lucky" game player?

  8. Oh yes. That is my cat's favorite job.
