Friday, October 28, 2016

Quote Of The Day

Superstition is a part of the very being of humanity; and when we fancy that we are banishing it altogether, it takes refuge in the strangest nooks and corners, and then suddenly comes forth again, as soon as it believes itself at all safe. ~ Goethe


  1. Just adorable! I love the old, sentimental illustrations of children.
    Do you dress up at your house to greet the trick or treaters? I used to until the year I scared some of the little ones when I painted my face green.

  2. We live at the end of a verrry long drive. I think we've had a half dozen trick-or-treaters in the forty-two years we've lived here. You have to be desperate for a fee candy bar to come down our drive after dark!

  3. Our village has started holding a costume party and parade at the firehouse each year. It's safer, and it's easier on the little ones, so we have had a sharp drop-off in trick or treaters. I can't say as I mind, particularly this year, as Batdog is still very wary of strangers.

  4. I'm used to living in the city where there are lots of children trick or treating. We moved to a suburb (gah) and it's mostly teens. I miss the little bunnies, bumble bees and flower fairies that used to show up at my door.
