Thursday, November 17, 2016



  1. Actually, our dog will eat broccoli, and we used to have a cat who loved the stuff. Daisy would sit on the chair beside you, and v-e-r-y s-lo-w-l-y reach out her paw, snag the broccoli and run away as fast as she could. If she couldn't reach it (sometimes we'd turn the plate so it was on the far side) she'd hook her claws over the rim of the plate and drag it across the table until she could get the veggies.

    And we let her do it because it was so darned cute.

  2. Long time ago (1980's) we had a Golden Retriever who loved grapes.

  3. I'm with this dog. The male Maine Coon will do anything to get a nibble of any dairy product - cheese, milk, sour cream, cheese. A previous cat, Mila, would steal food off you plate if your head turned. Sometimes the Sneaky Paw routine, other times it was the Jump on the Table Grab & Run move.

  4. My forever puppy was a pasta and pizza loving dog, much to the delight of my Italian MIL. On the other hand, my orange guy used to love peas, one at a time, please, off my plate.
    What would we do without our critters and their foibles?
